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Ved SundTerapi AS

Tilbyr jeg nå Frekvensterapi, Oksygen berikende vann. ITera Bio, negativejoner og andre unike nyheter med helsefremmende effekter

I 2024 - Kun kr 300

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- for you as a whole


om meg
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I,Torunn is a health promoter, and you can call me a "Health Rebel" who chooses purity in thoughts, words and deeds.

I am a well grown 70 model who is first and foremost myself with a big mom heart for my grown children and my dear husband.


I have extensive experience with lifestyle guidance, stress management, rehabilitation, HSE, ergonomics, occupational health and follow-up for people on sick leave. I have worked a lot with personal training and dietary guidance, and as an instructor for varied training groups of all ages.

By formal education, I am a Cand Mag in Health and Sports, with two years at the Norwegian Sports Academy and a publicly approved Occupational Therapist from the School of Health Sciences in Trondheim. I am a certified therapist, teacher and instructor in Mediyoga from IMY and a certified instructor in DEVA Yoga - for muscle and skeletal pain. I am also a trained Coach from Ringominstituttet and Massage Therapist from Axelsons BodyWork School.

During a period of my own life where life was experienced as "too much", I came across Medical Yoga - a milestone and vital meeting for me.

But it was not until I became acquainted with the essential pure nutritional supplements FITLINE from PM-International, that my health got a real boost.

I am passionate about the person as a whole. Our PHYSICAL - EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH. Everything is tied together. FitLine has helped many of my customers and that is what I focus on the most.

I want to support as many people as possible to promote their own health. I know it makes a difference towards the positive health pole!

Bestill time


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Stuffen 7,

8616 Mo i Rana - NO

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